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Qatar tribune
The Ministry of Education and Higher Education on Sunday said it agreed to increase the tuition fees for 28 private schools and kindergartens for the academic year 2019/2020, out of 126 applications. There are 287 private schools and kindergartens operating in the country.
Director of Private Schools Licensing Department at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education Hamad Al Ghali reviewed in a press conference today the stages those schools had to go through in order to get the increase in tuition fees. He pointed out that the rate of increase of fees approved for 28 private schools and kindergartens ranged between 3 and 10 percent. It included reasons such as the school's need for financial support, improving the academic and educational impact, the presence of a financial deficit despite the school's commitment to operational capacity, a change in the school building, a move to another school building, and a change in rental value.
He also discussed the reasons why the other schools failed to get the tuition fees they applied for. He said that the reasons included the failure to attach three financial statements required to examine the financial performance of the school, that the decline or lack of profits was a result of poor management rather than low fees, or due to the inaccurate or incomplete data among other reasons.
Al Ghali then moved to discuss the new academic year and said that registration in all the state's schools will be from March 3 to October 17 of 2019. The deadline for registering students coming from abroad is the end of January 2020, he added. Students eligible for kindergarten must be born before September 30 of 2016. As for primary education, students must be born before September 30 of 2014.
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