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Qatar tribune
At a time when China is battling the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, Qatar has repeatedly expressed its support for China and opened the Qatari airline network to facilitate China's transportation of anti-epidemic materials, Chinese President Xi Jinping  has told the Amir HH Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al Thani over phone.
The two leader held a telephone conversation on Tuesday night, discussing the the fight against the spread of coronavirus that has killed more than 1100 people around the world.
The Chinese people are deeply moved by the true friendship that has stood the test in difficult times, Xi said, according to Chinese news agency Xinhua news agency.
The Chinese side attaches great importance to the development of China-Qatar relations and stands ready to make joint efforts with Qatar to continue to support each other on issues concerning each other's core interests and major concerns and push bilateral ties to higher levels, Xi said.
Since the outbreak of the epidemic, China has mobilized the whole country to deal with it with full strength, adopted the most thorough and rigorous prevention and control measures and waged a people's war on the epidemic, Xi stressed, noting that positive progress is now being achieved through the prevention and control measures.
Thanks to China's system advantage featuring the Chinese people's unity as one and the tackling of major issues by pooling strength, as well as a strong material and technical basis, and rich practical experiences, China has full confidence, capability and certainty to win the battle against the epidemic, Xi said.
Medical workers gesture to each other through the window in Zhangzhou Municipal Hospital in Zhangzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province, Feb. 2, 2020. (Photo by Xiao Heyong/Xinhua)
China has been safeguarding the Chinese people's life and health, and at the same time making active contribution to global public health security, Xi stressed.
It is China's rigorous prevention and control measures which have prevented a large-scale global spread of the virus, he said.
Xi expressed hope that countries will keep abreast of and follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) on travel and health.
China is willing to maintain close coordination with Qatar, provide updates on the latest situation of the epidemic in a timely manner, ensure the life and health of the Qatari nationals in China so as to safeguard the health and safety of the people of both countries in a concrete manner, Xi said.
Protective medical suits are unloaded at Changsha Huanghua International Airport in Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, Feb. 5, 2020. (Xinhua/Chen Sihan)
The Amir, on behalf of the Qatari government and people, expressed firm support to the Chinese government and people's fight against the epidemic, and extended condolences to the deceased in the epidemic and sympathies to their families, while wishing the patients a quick recovery.
Qatar spoke highly of China's strong measures, he said, noting that he is fully confident that China has the capability and certainty to win the battle against the epidemic as soon as possible, and overcome the immediate difficulties. He wished China success in this regard.
The Chinese people are Qatar's good friends and Qatar will always stand firmly by the Chinese people, he stressed.
Qatar will strictly follow the WHO's advices, the Qatari emir said, noting he will order Qatar's health institutions to strengthen cooperation with the Chinese side.
Qatar is ready to provide assistance at any time in response to the needs of the Chinese side, he said.
Qatar is expecting to work together with China to push forward bilateral ties for more progress, he added.
(Source: Xinhua)
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