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Qatar tribune

Tribune News Network


Qatar Petroleum on Wednesday announced the start of drilling campaign for the development of North Field East (NFE) Project, previously known as the North Field Expansion Project.

The first of 80 NFE development wells was spudded on March 29 by the jack-up rig ‘GulfDrill Lovanda’, which is managed and operated by GulfDrill, a joint venture between Qatar-based Gulf Drilling International and Seadrill Limited.

This phase of the North Field expansion project will increase Qatar’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) production capacity from 77 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) to 110 mtpa. The second phase of the North Field LNG Expansion Project, called the North Field South Project (NFS), will further increase Qatar’s LNG production capacity from 110 mtpa to 126 mtpa.

Commenting on the announcement, Minister of State for Energy Affairs and Qatar Petroleum President and CEO Saad Sherida al Kaabi said, “The start of the development drilling campaign for NFE represents an important milestone to deliver on our strategy to grow our LNG production capacity. The continued achievement of milestones, dedication of significant resources and making of substantial investments is proof that the NFE remains on top of our priorities and demonstrates our commitment to executing this mega-project.”

Kaabi said, “I would like to thank Qatar Petroleum and Qatargas management and teams for this important achievement and for making sure that every component of the project is delivered safely.”

Qatar Petroleum had earlier awarded a number of contracts for jack-up drilling rigs to be utilised for the drilling of 80 development wells for the NFE.

The installation of the first four Offshore Jackets in Qatari waters is underway and is expected to be completed by the end of this month.

Kaabi said, “I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the widest spectrum of the energy sector in Qatar that are working with great dedication and commitment during the current circumstances to ensure that Qatar lives up to its reputation as a trustworthy and reliable energy producer at all times and under all circumstances.”

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