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Des Moines, United States
After seven debates, countless rallies and an impeachment effort to remove the US president, Iowa holds the first in a series of votes across the nation on Monday to decide the Democratic challenger for the White House -- led by a surging Bernie Sanders.
The 78-year-old standard-bearer for the progressive wing has snatched the momentum -- and shaken the party establishment -- in a series of recent opinion polls casting him as the favourite.
“If the voter turnout is high, if people get involved who do not usually get involved... if young people, if working-class people come on out, not only can we win, I think we can win big,” Sanders, the junior senator for Vermont, said at a weekend campaign event in Iowa.
An Emerson College poll of Democratic voters released on the eve of the caucuses shows Sanders with 28 percent support, seven points clear of centrist Biden, who is the national frontrunner.
South Bend, Indiana ex-mayor Pete Buttigieg and Warren are about four points behind Biden in poll averages.
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