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The Pakistan International School Qatar (PISQ) organised its sixth successive yearly ‘Open House’ on its premises recently.
A large number of parents attended the event. The objective behind hosting the annual feature was to attract prospective students and their parents to get familiarised with the current facilities available for the students on the campus.
The event aimed at opening the channel of communication between school staff and parents. It was also an occasion for the guests to visit the school with a view to getting first-hand information about the institution from various desks set up for their convenience. The resource desks included: Senior Boys Wing, Senior Girls Wing, Cambridge Stream, Primary Wing, KG Wing, ETL (Educational Technology Lab), Evening Classes, FBA (Federal Board Affairs), Qatar Debates, PISMUN and i-EARN.
Pakistan Ambassador to Qatar HE Syed Ahsan Raza graced the occasion as the chief guest. A number of professionals from various walks of life visited the school and learnt about know the its academic programmes, and curricular and co-curricular activities. Alumni and current students along with their mentors were also on hand to share their experiences at the PISQ. The envoy visited all the desks and stalls and appreciated the efforts of the students.
The Cambridge Stream has been a major milestone in the recent academic development and progress of the school. During his visit to the Cambridge Desk, the ambassador took a keen interest in knowing the details about it.
The parents, meanwhile, lauded the idea of Open House which provides them with an opportunity to have a glance at the school and enrich themselves with detailed information about the academic facilities and the entire working of the school. Parents could be seen eagerly seeking information related to the school’s curriculum, classroom schedule, homework, grading, assessments, co-curricular activities etc.
“A really grand Open Day. Impressed with all that I saw. The pupils who took me on the tour were very enthusiastic about their school. It was nice to see the school in action and how it functions. It was lovely to visit and see such purpose- built classrooms. I’m eager to get my kids enrolled here,” said one of the visiting parents.
The guests particularly appreciated the endeavours of the school management and faculty in imparting quality education with a vast array of co-curricular activities for the character building of the students.
A variety of food stalls presenting continental and traditional cuisines with mouth-watering aroma were a centre of attraction at the event.
PISQ Principal Nargis Raza Otho thanked the guests for sparing their valuable time and giving a positive response and constructive feedback. “The success of PISQ is not possible without the involvement of all the stake holders,” she said, while expressing her gratitude to the ambassadors and other dignitaries for gracing the occasion.
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