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Lebanon’s parliament sat on Tuesday in a conference hall to allow for social distancing between lawmakers amid the coronavirus pandemic, while outside anti-government protesters demonstrated in a car convoy.
As the country struggles with a battered economy, MPs approved the re-allocation of $40 million from the World Bank to help fight COVID-19, which has officially infected 677 people and killed 21 nationwide.
It also passed a law to fight corruption in the public sector and set up a national body in charge of stamping out graft.
On the agenda of the three-day session were proposals for a divisive general amnesty, to legalise cannabis for medical use, and to lift immunity for ministers and lawmakers to allow prosecutions for corruption.
Outside the venue, dozens of protesters drove a noisy convoy of cars covered in slogans, drivers honking their horns and passengers brandishing the national flag and leaning out of the windows in face masks.
They took to the streets on wheels to protest deteriorating living conditions while maintaining social distancing, as they kept up the pressure on a political elite under fire since mass protests erupted last October.
“Today, instead of passing a general amnesty law... they could pass a law on the independence of the judiciary,” Jad Assaileh, a young demonstrator said.
“We want to recover the stolen money,” he said, referring to allegations that Lebanon’s ruling elite transferred billions out of the country while regular citizens were prevented from withdrawing their savings by the banks.
Similar protests took place in the cities of Saida and Tripoli.
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