DOHA: As part of its several successful mediation efforts to reunite families separated by the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Qatar has announced the success of its family reunification process comprised of reunifying Ukrainian children with their families.

Minister of State for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs HE Lolwah bint Rashid Al Khater, explained in a statement to Qatar News Agency (QNA) that the Embassy of Qatar in Moscow hosted 11 children and their families during the reunification mission and accompanied them to their final destinations to ensure their safety and wellbeing. In this regard, she saidthat the group included children with disabilities, who were provided with special medical care, in coordination with both Ukrainian and Russian sides.

Shereiterated Qatar's appreciation to Ukraine and the Russian Federation for their cooperation and commitment to ensuring the safety and security of these children, and providing them with appropriate care during and before this humanitarian mission. She added that the cooperation of Ukraine and the Russian Federation with the Qatari mediation efforts, since the initiation of the mediation process, was an important factor in the success of the family reunification missions.

Al Khater stated that Qatar’s ongoing mediation efforts to reunite Ukrainian children is an extension of its approach to mediation and resolving disputes through peaceful means, in accordance with the principles of international law. This is also a reflection of Qatar’s enduring commitment to humanitarian principles and international solidarity. In addition to its effective contributions to building peace and stability on both regional and international levels, stressing in this context that the success of Qatar’s mediation in various files confirms its reliability to all parties.

She explained that Qatar pays a great deal of importance in enhancing the protection of children affected by conflicts, noting in this context that Qatar has established partnerships with regional organizations and international partners to end and prevent grave violations against children in armed conflicts, in addition to launching several initiatives to support international peace and security. She stressed that Qatar will continue to contribute to this constructive approach in settling conflicts and disputes using peaceful means.

Qatar extended its deepest gratitude and appreciation to the Children’s Rights Commissioner for the President of the Russian Federation, Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, and the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Dymtro Lubinets, for their immense efforts in aiding the successful family reunification mission during the mediation process.