QATAR Charity (QC) opened an office in the Republic of Sri Lanka.
The opening ceremony was attended by several officials and representatives of a number of Arab embassies and humanitarian organisations.
Chief Operating Officer of Qatar Charity Faisal bin Rashi Alfahidh said the office's opening is within the aim of directly supervising and following up the Charity's projects in construction, development and relief fields.
Alfahidh added the Charity seeks to open up to the other international organisations operating in Sri Lanka and discuss with them the possibility of entering into qualitative and strategic partnerships as well as with the donor countries, especially the United Nations agencies, in line with its policies alongside the strategy of the Sri Lankan government in sustainable development.
He added that QC's humanitarian intervention in Sri Lanka did not begin today but started in 1993 as its projects and programs were carried out in coordination with local associations accredited in Qatar, noting that the cost of these projects were more than QR14 million. (QNA/Colombo)