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Qatar tribune

Ashraf Siddiqui


Over the past decade, there has been a significant expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation between Qatar and China under the strategic guidance of President of China Xi Jinping and the Amir His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Qatar HE Cao Xiolin told Qatar Tribune, on the occasion of marking the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the bilateral strategic partnership.

The envoy said China has consistently ranked as Qatar’s top trading partner and primary destination for exports, underscoring the substantial strategic opportunity for Qatar stemming from the high-quality development of China’s economy.

Noting Qatar’s position as China’s second-largest source of LNG imports and Doha’s popularity as a tourist destination among Chinese travellers, he said Qatar Airways ferries more than 10,000 passengers weekly from China to global destinations.

The Chinese envoy mentioned the optimistic outlook of Qatar National Bank (QNB) on China’s economic prospects, which has spurred a firm consensus among Qatar’s business community to enhance economic cooperation with China.

Regarding Qatar’s Third National Development Strategy of Vision 2030, launched earlier in the year, HE Xiolin noted its alignment with China’s Vision 2035 in terms of shared notions, goals, and timelines.

He emphasised the potential for further synergising the development strategies of the two countries to drive practical cooperation, fostering growth in sectors such as manufacturing, energy, technology, finance, and green development, thereby further strengthening bilateral trade.

Talking about cooperation and support on China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Xiolin highlighted Qatar’s early participation in signing cooperation documents under the BRI with China. He expressed China’s willingness to promptly sign the plan for implementing joint BRI construction with Qatar, aiming to devise a roadmap for their cooperation under the initiative.

He added that this collaboration would serve as a positive example for high-quality joint BRI construction between China and the GCC states, Middle Eastern countries, and Arab nations.

On economic situation in China, Xiolin said that amidst global turmoil and economic sluggishness, China’s economic resilience and potential shine brightly. In 2023, its GDP soared by 5.2 percent, surpassing RMB6 trillion in growth. Notably, China’s manufacturing contributed a third to global value, propelling 32 percent of worldwide economic expansion. The Report on the Work of the Government 2024 reaffirms China’s dedication to growth, targeting a 5 percent GDP increase for 2024, cementing its role as a global economic engine.

He said that China’s stability stems from its robust policy framework, guided by the ruling party, prioritising high-quality development and long-term vision over short-sighted measures. Rather than relying on immediate stimulus, China focuses on holistic reforms and sustainable growth, ensuring stability in employment, pricing, and foreign exchange.

The Chinese envoy said that with a population of 1.4 billion and a burgeoning middle class exceeding 400 million, China’s consumption-led growth is gaining momentum. Its diverse industrial landscape, spanning all categories, underscores its manufacturing prowess and innovation potential, fuelled by vast data resources nurturing IT sectors like big data and cloud computing.

He said that China’s demographic dividend evolves into a talent dividend, with investments in research and development driving innovation, particularly in artificial intelligence and green technologies. Its pro-business environment attracts foreign investment, with over 90 percent satisfaction among surveyed companies, solidifying China’s position as a global economic hub.

He further added that internationally, China champions inclusive economic globalisation through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative, promoting cooperation and mutual development. With thousands of projects and significant investment under the BRI, China remains committed to shared progress and prosperity globally.

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