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Tribune News Network
Q Life & Medical Insurance Company (QLM) is observing the World Health Day by offering free medical check-up for all nationals and residents of Qatar on April 6.
Whether insured with QLM or not, all Qatari nationals and expatriates can visit the nearest QLM counters located at the leading medical providers namely Al Tai (Al Kinana Street, Al Nasr), Al Abeer Medical Centre (Mesaimeer Road and Al Karrasat Street), Elite Medical Centre (Al Jazeera Al Arabiya Street), Al Safa Polyclinic (Al Kinana Street, Al Nasr), Naseem Al Rabeeh (C Ring Road and Rayyan branch), Al Rabeeh Medical Centre (Al Aziziyah), Planet Medical Centre (Al Waab Street), Aster Plus (Muntazah), Aster Plus Medcare Polyclinic (Al Salam Street, Hilal), Aster Plus Welcare Polyclinic (Al Jassasiya Street, Al Rayyan), Aster Medical Center (Al Ghanim, Industrial Area, Al Khor) and Aster Hospital (D Ring Road) to avail free medical check-up and services.
Participants would only need to present their Qatar ID to avail the medical services.
Participants visiting Al Tai Medical Centre can choose any one of the specialties viz. orthopaedic consultation, internal medicine consultation, dermatology consultation, paediatric consultation, ophthalmology consultation, CBC, urine analysis, glucose random, lipid profile, urea, creatinine, uric acid, AST, ALT, and X-ray.
The free medical tests available at Al Abeer include GP consultation, dental consultation, blood pressure, glucose random, cholesterol total, creatinine serum (kidney function), ALT (liver function) and body mass index.
Those visiting Elite Medical Centre can avail free GP consultation, dental consultation, dermatology consultation, blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and body mass index (BMI).
Free medical tests available at Al Safa Polyclinic include GP consultation, vital signs, random blood sugar, pulmonary function test (spirometry), eye check-up, dental consultation, cardiology consultation and echocardiogram (examination dependent), obstetrician and gynaecology consultation and ultrasonography.
Naseem Al Rabeeh Medical Centre at C Ring Road is offering free GP consultation, cardiology consultation, neurologists consultation voucher, cholesterol check-up, random blood sugar, body mass index, and 25 percent discount on follow-up services.
Naseem Al Rabeeh Medical Centre at Rayyan is providing free GP consultation, neurologists consultation, dental consultation and X-ray, dermatology consultation, gynaecology consultation, ENT consultation, orthopaedic consultation, cholesterol check-up, random blood sugar, body mass index, free medicine, and 25 percent discount on follow-up services. While Al Rabeeh Dental Center at Aziziyah Branch offers free dental examination and X-ray.
Planet Medical Centre is providing free internal medicine consultation, dental consultation, and ophthalmology consultation, tests for glucose random, calcium, creatinine, urine analysis and cholesterol.
Aster Medical Centres and Aster Hospital is offering free physical examination, CBC (14 tests), Triglyceride, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, VLDL cholesterol, cholesterol total, uric acid (kidney), SGPT (liver), blood sugar.
Ahmad Mohammed Zebeib, senior manager at QLM, said:"Aligning our approach with the newly introduced National Health Strategy 2018-2022, we take pride in commemorating World Health Day along with our provider network. It is our way of demonstrating our commitment towards promoting awareness about various lifestyle diseases and ways to prevent them."