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Qatar tribune

Tribune News Network


The Eid Al-Adha celebration programme by Philippine Muslim Federation (PMF) was held on June 16 at Arab International School.

The event commenced with the formal hand over of responsibilities by the outgoing PMF President Cesar Yusof Chiong to the incoming President Cary Yasir M Aragt.

The symbolic transfer of leadership was followed by an inspiring acceptance speech by the new president, who expressed his gratitude and outlined future aspirations.

Subsequently, the newly appointed PMF officers were introduced, highlighting their roles and the significance of their positions.

Thereafter the respective presidents of each organisation under the PMF pledged their commitment to uphold the values and objectives of the federation. The ceremony concluded with a blessed Dhuhor prayer, seeking divine guidance and blessings for the new leaders.

The event was followed with the sumptuous Food Exhibit Competition showcasing the diverse and delectable regional cuisines of the Philippines. The culinary journey began with a bite of crispy lumpia, followed by the savoury delight of tyula itom, the tangy complexity of papaitan, the rich flavours of caldereta, and the hearty simplicity of pastil. The grand finale featured a sweet array of daral, sindol, pasong and other famous Filipino kakanin, perfectly paired with native coffee. It was truly a food festival, especially remarkable given the brief preparation time. The competition was headed by Solaya A. Sangkad with the support of the active and dedicated PMF women. Furthermore, the children were equally thrilled as they received their individual gifts and enthusiastically participated in the crowd games alongside the adults. The entire event was filled with joy and camaraderie, making it a truly memorable PMF Eid Al Adha celebration.

The celebration concluded with the thrilling basketball championship games, where not only was excellence in sports on full display, but the spirit of brotherhood shone brightly throughout the competition. The air was filled with excitement as teams battled it out on the court, showcasing their skills and teamwork.

Moreover, awards were presented to the winners of both the food exhibit and the basketball games, recognising their outstanding efforts and achievements. The prizes was given by Hasan Gandaruza, the organising chairman of PMF Eid Al Adha Celebration 2024, together with the PMF officers and advisers. The event closed with a heartfelt address from the PMF Adviser, Ustadz Homer Pagayawan, who shared inspiring thoughts on unity and cooperation among Filipino Muslims in Qatar.

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