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Qatar tribune



The 6th Global Conference of Women Parliamentarians, organised by the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and the Doha-based UN Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism in cooperation with the Shura Council, kicked off in Doha on Wednesday.

The opening session was attended by Speaker of the Shura Council HE Hassan bin Abdullah Al Ghanim and representatives of national parliaments, parliamentary unions and relevant regional and international organisations participating in the conference.

The two-day conference aims to enhance the participation of women parliamentarians in formulating and implementing policies and legislation, exchanging experiences and good practices between women parliamentarians from different countries, and promoting awareness and education about the importance of women’s role in combating terrorism.

The conference also seeks to develop comprehensive and sustainable strategies to combat terrorism, encourage research and studies related to the role of women in this field, and provide recommendations for developing national and international legislation and policies to ensure the effectiveness of the efforts made.

In her speech during the opening session, Deputy Speaker of the Shura Council HE Dr Hamda bint Hassan Al Sulaiti stressed the vital role that women parliamentarians play in developing, implementing and monitoring legislation, policies and strategies to combat terrorism and prevent violent extremism.

She pointed out that Qatar hosted the UN Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism to unify and coordinate the efforts of parliaments in combating and preventing terrorism and violent extremism.

She also praised the great efforts made by the UN Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism and the distinguished cooperation and coordination between the office and the Shura Council.

The Shura deputy speaker said the office provided a platform for coordination between the efforts of parliaments regarding the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, the resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council, and other resolutions related to combating terrorism, in addition to providing technical assistance and capacity-building support to parliamentarians in their efforts to prevent and combat terrorism and violent extremism.

She noted Qatar’s adoption of preventive diplomacy to prevent wars and conflicts, and its mediation and good offices to achieve a peaceful solution to various regional conflicts.

Dr Sulaiti praised the success of the strategy, which was embodied in Qatar’s effective and notable efforts aimed at stopping the aggression against Gaza.

She added that in recognition of the strategic role of preventive diplomacy, Qatar had previously proposed holding an international conference on preventive diplomacy, confirming its readiness to host it, because of that mechanism’s important role as the international community faces challenges that do not recognise dialogue as a binding means of resolving differences, which represents a genuine threat to global peace and security, placing the United Nations before a difficult test of its success in achieving international peace and security.

Speaking about the conference’s theme, the Shura deputy speaker praised the role of women parliamentarians in providing global peace and security “thanks to their effective participation and enthusiasm.”

She stressed the need to develop frameworks and strategies to implement the recommendations of women parliamentarians conferences, calling for the reform of the UN concerned with achieving peace, especially the UN Security Council, to achieve justice and prevent wars and conflicts.

She warned that the absence of the role of international organisations entrusted with maintaining international peace and security pushes young people to join the incubators of terrorism of extremist groups and embrace ideas and doctrines that pursue violence to repel injustice.

Dr Sulaiti called on the attendees to discuss ways to stop human rights violations and massacres committed by the occupying entity in Gaza so that young people do not lose their confidence in international systems and laws that are concerned with achieving international peace and security.

She added that terrorism is considered the scourge of every era and is a companion of injustice and the absence of security and justice. She pointed out that humanity has continued to suffer greatly from the waves of extremism that recur with the availability of appropriate conditions and the incubating environment for this terrorism, from poverty, ignorance, conflicts, civil wars, persecution of minorities, ethnic and sectarian strife and contempt of religions.

She pointed out that the Israeli entity has been violating the rights of the Palestinian people for seven decades, which has led the region to instability and increased disagreement and discord.

She noted that the interest of Qatar in achieving global peace and security stems from its established principles and policies, which elevate the status of the human and emphasise the sanctity of their money, honour and blood.

The conference addresses efforts to combat terrorism and prevent violent extremism from various aspects, by addressing the main issues related to definitions of combating terrorism, the conditions conducive to its spread, the motives of violent extremism, and the roles of women and men in extremist groups.

Participants will discuss the role of parliamentarians in combating terrorism and violent extremism, focusing on the necessary legislation, policies and strategies and ensuring their alignment with national and international legal frameworks.

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