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Qatar tribune

London: British aristocrat Constance Marten and her partner have been found guilty of hiding the birth of their baby who was found dead in a Lidl shopping bag after a high-profile search, it can now be reported. Marten, 37, and Mark Gordon, 50, went off grid with daughter Victoria to evade authorities after four other children were taken into care, the Old Bailey heard. Over seven weeks, the couple travelled across England and slept in a tent on the South Downs as police searched for the missing baby. Two days after their arrests in Brighton last February, Victoria’s decomposed body was found in an allotment shed inside a Lidl bag-for-life. A jury at the Old Bailey found the couple guilty of concealing the birth of a child and perverting the course of justice, it can now be reported. The couple had also faced charges of child cruelty, manslaughter by gross negligence and causing or allowing the death of a child, all of which they denied. (PA Media/dpa)

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