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The centre also includes a range of high-quality clinical units, such as the Clinical Trials Unit, which specialises in designing, conducting and managing trials to explore the safety and efficacy of medical strategies, treatments or medical devices with patients.

The Clinical Precision Medicine and Genomics Centre develops personalised medical treatments tailored to individual patient characteristics, in addition to conducting research and innovations. The centre is also dedicated to providing the highest-quality paediatric care, featuring a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, an advanced care unit, a paediatric day care unit and a paediatric ward.

Additionally, there is a Geriatrics Unit for acute cases, supporting the growing need for acute care among the elderly, and a modern palliative care unit offering a comfortable and welcoming environment for patients and their families.

The centre also includes an outpatient prosthetics clinic and a range of support services, including a pharmacy, an ambulance pathway for patient transport, a physiotherapy gym for inpatients, waiting areas for men and women, and multi-purpose rooms.

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