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Qatar tribune

Ashraf Siddiqui


Special Envoy of the Islamic Republic of Iran HE Hassan Kazem Qomi has stressed the need for international support to help the Afghan Interim government overcome challenges related to terrorism, narcotics, stability, peace, and development.

Speaking at the conclusion of the 3rd UN meeting on Afghanistan in Doha, he proposed establishing a fund for Afghanistan’s development, suggesting that donor countries oversee short-term, mid-term, and long-term projects.

He said all participants commended the proposal, and the Chair, the UN Undersecretary-General, recommended forming groups to address it. However, no further action has been taken.

Commenting on the 3rd Doha meeting, he highlighted its significance due to the sensitive and critical nature of the Afghanistan issue. For the first time, a delegation from the Interim Government of Afghanistan participated. Both the UN group members from participating countries and institutions listened to the Afghan points of view and expressed their reservations. This marked the first occasion where Afghanistan’s Interim Government presented its perspectives to the United Nations and the international community.

He noted that Iran, as a neighbouring country, faces significant consequences and impacts originating from Afghanistan and is also the most influential country in the region. Therefore, Iran has adopted a policy supporting the United Nations initiative to ensure constructive interaction with the Afghan Interim Government. This policy aims to support the Afghan people, improve the existing situation, and strengthen regional cooperation with neighbouring and regional countries.

He emphasised that Iran has been striving to enhance the situation in Afghanistan concerning security, peace, and political stability. Out of goodwill, Iran stands with the Interim Government of Afghanistan, offering necessary consultations, proposals, and recommendations.

Iran welcomes any constructive initiative from these countries. He added that this is why Iran has participated in Doha 1, Doha 2, and now the Doha 3 meeting.

In Doha 3, the United Nations introduced two new subjects: Afghan private sector development and anti-narcotics. United Nations specialised agencies present at the meeting, along with other representatives of the participating countries, confirmed that the Afghan Interim Government and its officials had successfully eradicated 95 percent of opium cultivation. This was recognised as a very significant action taken by the interim government throughout the country, and he stated full support for this achievement.

Some concerns were raised regarding the increase in the amount and volume of artificial/chemical narcotics in Afghanistan compared to traditional and natural crops. At the same time, the initiative taken by the interim Afghan government, prioritising infrastructure projects, was commended by all the participants.

He said that concerns were raised about the lack of opportunities for Afghan women in obtaining education and job opportunities. Almost all the participants stressed the importance of utilising the potential and capabilities of 50 percent of the population—female participation in the development of society and the country.

“I believe the most important topic raised in the Doha 3 meeting was the regional initiative taken by Afghanistan’s neighbouring countries. These countries face the highest impact and consequences of Afghanistan’s internal situation, including the refugee burden. The neighbouring countries emphasised regional cooperation to support, assist, and help the Afghan Interim government improve its economy, security, development, fight against terrorism, border security, continued humanitarian assistance, and anti-narcotics efforts,” he added.

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