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Qatar tribune

Tribune News Network


The Marthoma College Alumni, Doha Chapter, celebrated its 30th anniversary with a grand Annual Day Get-Together at Zaatar Restaurant. The event was presided over by Alumni President Anish George Mathew.

During the event, Nisha Jacob, the general secretary, presented the annual report, while Treasurer Jacob M Mathew shared the annual accounts. The highlight of the evening was the keynote address delivered by the chief guest Fr Fevin John.

The gathering was enlivened by various dynamic performances from alumni of all age groups, showcasing the diverse talents within the community. Sibu Abraham, the cultural secretary, welcomed the gathering, and Sheela Sunny, the vice-president, expressed heartfelt gratitude to all attendees for their presence and participation.

The Marthoma College Alumni, Doha Chapter, remains committed to fostering connection, growth and excellence within its alumni family. Together, the chapter aims to elevate the legacy of Marthoma College and make a lasting impact on the world.

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