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Qatar tribune

Dr M Mustafa Göksu

On the evening of July 15, 2016, “Fethullah Terrorist Organization” (FETÖ), led by Fethullah Gülen who has been residing in the US for more than 20 years, launched a bloody coup attempt against the people and the democratically elected Turkish government. Their aim was to replace the legitimate government with a radical, fundamentalist regime, loyal only to their cult leader.

To understand what transpired, one has to understand the true nature of FETÖ, which was established in the late 1960’s as a so-called “religious movement”. In the guise of promoting education and inter-religious dialogue, it managed to cover its malign intentions by portraying itself as “representing the modern and moderate Islam” and hiding behind notions like integration and dialogue.

By abusing of the most sacred national and spiritual values, FETÖ affiliated radicals took on different identities in societies in which they live so as to cover their ill intentions in different countries.

Therefore, the well-planned and wide-spread infiltration by FETÖ members and converts into the army, law enforcement, judiciary and numerous government institutions was carried out for decades clandestinely for an overarching plan, of which the final phase was unleashed on July 15, 2016.

This shady organization structure and its cynical, opportunist and corrupted elements, who abuse all universal values, constitute a serious threat to all countries around the world. In addition to its terrorist character, FETÖ is also an espionage organization. Therefore, what we witnessed on that night was also an invasion attempt disguised as a coup.

For this reason, state institutions, including the Turkish Parliament and the Turkish Presidency, which represent the free will of nation with elected Deputies and President, were attacked by FETÖ terrorist members with heavy weaponry of tanks, fighter jets and helicopters.

On that dark night, as a result of these terrorist acts by FETÖ traitors, 251 Turkish innocent civilians were martyred and more than 2,000 people were injured as they were defending Turkish democracy, state and its independence.

The commitment to democracy and independence of those people who stopped the tanks is an example to the whole world.

On the occasion of our July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day, I pray for the mercy of Allah upon our heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives while standing up for their state, nation, independence, and will.

Furthermore, on behalf of the Turkish government and nation, I would like to reiterate our sincere gratitude and thanks to HH the Amir of the State of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, who was the first foreign leader expressing solidarity with Turkish people and government by holding a phone call with HE Mr Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Türkiye and to HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar, for quickly paying a solidarity visit to Türkiye just after the failed coup attempt.

These acts not only strengthened friendly and brotherly ties between Türkiye and Qatar, but also demonstrated all the world that Qatar is always be in the league of right.

As we commemorate the 8th anniversary of the Democracy and National Unity Day of July 15, Türkiye is more committed and dedicated to undertake active role in the field of diplomacy, economy and security for regional and international stability. At this point, it is the highest priority of our improving relations with regional countries, in particular Qatar.

Today, Türkiye is the fifth largest diplomatic network globally with its 261 missions (146 Embassies, 99 Consulate Generals, 13 Permanent Representations, and more). The number of our missions abroad reveals that we are not only a regional power but also global one.

Türkiye’s this diplomatic strength serves for building a just world. In this regard, under the leadership of HE President Mr Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the administration of HE Foreign Minister Mr Hakan Fidan, Türkiye pays extraordinary diplomatic efforts for reaching out a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and prisoner swap deal as well as ending of humanitarian tragedy of Palestinian people in Gaza Strip. Currently, Türkiye is also top humanitarian aid provider to Gaza, dispatching 32 percent of total aid.

On this issue, the coordination and cooperation between Türkiye and Qatar is at the highest possible level. Türkiye strongly supports Qatar’s mediation efforts that would result in a truce, leading to an end to the war, protecting the Palestinians from further suffering and enhancing security, stability and peace in the region.

Following the failed coup attempt, Türkiye accelerated to enhance its infrastructure and industry capacity with the realization of many significant strategic projects. Istanbul Airport is a gateway to the world. Çanakkale Bridge, the longest suspension bridge in the world, along with Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge Avrasya Tunnel, connects the Asia and Europe, on which TOGG, first indigenous electric car, rapidly increases its visibility day by day.

The completion of these projects as well as many other investments became a propelling power behind a vivid economic system. With regard to economy following the failed coup attempt, Türkiye maintained its production and export oriented economic policies. Turkish exports broke the Republican era record, reaching almost $260 billion in 2023 despite all regional and global challenges.

Furthermore, Türkiye achieved self-sufficiency with a special focus on domestic and national character in its defence industry. While Türkiye’s domestic production rate in the defence industry was below 20% in 2000, it increased to 85% in 2023. Türkiye can now produce with its own means nearly all of the weapons that needs. What is more, Türkiye exported 230 different items of defence and aerospace productions to 185 countries in the last decade. TCG Anadolu, KAAN, Atak, Hürkuş, Bayraktar and Akıncı are just some of the prominent production of local projects.

Türkiye’s stability is a key for the realization of all these achievements. Therefore, our resolute commitment to fight against terrorism is among our top priorities. In addition to FETÖ, the cross-border military operations against PKK, YPG and DAESH enabled us to eradicate terror threats in its source.

Thanks to the secure environment, the number of tourists visiting Türkiye in 2023 reached to 57 million people. In 2023, İstanbul is the second most-visited city in the world, attracting 17.5 million tourists, while the Mediterranean province of Antalya stood at the fourth rank with 16.5 million visitors. In addition to these cities, Trabzon, Kapadokya, İzmir, Gaziantep, Diyarbakır, Bodrum, Pamukkale, Fethiye and many other cities have myriad touristic and historic sites that attract millions of tourists every year.

In a nutshell, following the failed coup attempts of July 15 and regional challenges, Türkiye, with its strengthened democracy and restructured institutional capacity, takes firm steps forward for a brighter future. Our strong commitment for next generations is to leave a more democratic and powerful Türkiye.

As we are leaving behind the 8th anniversary of the 15 July, we should never forget that the 15 July goes beyond a thwarting coup attempt. It is indeed a real victory of our democracy, national unity and independence. This victory is also one of the brightest examples of what our nation can sacrifice for its country and independence.

Once again, I would like to reiterate that we commemorate with respect and mercy our martyrs who gave their lives to defend our land and democracy, united against the terrorist organization’s coup attempt, and extend our deep gratitude to our wounded citizens.

As more powerful and prosperous Türkiye, we will altogether continue to work for a better future in the world.

(HE Dr M Mustafa Göksu, Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye in Doha.)

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