
The Education Above All (EAA) Foundation and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE), in collaboration with UNESCO, co-organised an orientation workshop for the UNESCO Qualifications Passport (UQP).

The initiative aims to ensure access to tertiary and higher education for refugees and vulnerable migrants, contributing to their inclusion and integration.

The workshop’s discussions, which brought together senior policymakers, international experts, academic institutions and professional organisations, focused on the recognition methodology pursued by UQP and successful practices applied in Europe and Africa.

Acting Assistant Undersecretary for Education and Higher Education Affairs at the MoEHE Dr Hareb Aljabri stressed the importance of the UQP initiative considering the current severe conflicts and attacks across the globe, and its role in supporting students affected by these conflicts and providing them with opportunities for learning.

For his part, Director of the Al Fakhoora Programme at EAA Talal Al Hothal said, "Education is a powerful catalyst for change, driving social and economic development across the globe. Through initiatives like the UNESCO Qualifications Passport, we are committed to enhancing educational opportunities and empowering individuals in crisis situations, ensuring that every learner has the tools they need to succeed in a rapidly evolving world.”

Director of the UNESCO Doha Office Salah Khaled stated that globally, only seven percent of crisis-affected youth have access to higher education, largely due to barriers related to recognition of prior learning.

"In other words, we are far off track in achieving the SDG4 goal by 2030,” he said.

In this sense, UNESCO looks forward to partnering with the State of Qatar and the Education Above All Foundation.

The workshop was a cornerstone event not only emphasising the role of education in crisis situations but also showcasing the collaborative efforts of international bodies and local authorities in fostering educational resilience and mobility.

The UQP is a universal tool for recognition of prior learning that contributes to ensuring the right to access tertiary and higher education for forcibly displaced youth in the framework of Sustainable Development Goal 4, drawing on the successful model of the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR).

Implemented by the Council of Europe, UNESCO has been pursuing the UQP initiative since 2019 to promote the inclusion agenda of forcibly displaced youth in the field of tertiary and higher education in close coordination and collaboration with national tertiary and higher education and refugee authorities and institutions and partners.

Considering that only seven percent of refugee youth have access to higher education and that one of the principal barriers is the lack of documentation and insufficient conducive policy environment, the initiative effectively supports the transformation of the national higher education system as well as the pursuit of further learning and subsequently employment for vulnerable youth affected by crises.

UQP is one of UNESCO’s flagship initiatives contributing to the Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration.