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Qatar University (QU)’s College of Arts and Sciences has announced the results of a pioneering study focused on identifying and validating a unique set of Arab values within the Qatari cultural context.

This research, spearheaded by Maha Hussain Al Qahtani, Bachelor of Psychology with a minor in Sociology, under the supervision of Dr Youssef Hasan, research associate professor of Psychology, the College of Arts and Sciences at QU, represents a significant advancement in understanding the intricate value systems that shape individual and societal behaviour in Qatar.

Values play a crucial role in the survival and functioning of any society by guiding individual behaviour and fostering social cohesion based on major pillars - Culture, Religion, Customs and Traditions. This study aligns with the Qatar National Vision 2030, which emphasises the importance of preserving customs, traditions, and ethical and religious values.

The research aims to fill a gap by developing a reliable and valid scale to measure values in the Arabic language, a need that has been largely unmet until now.

The study was built upon Schwartz’s Theory of Basic Human Values (1992), which identifies 10 common values that direct our behaviour according to the actual underlying motivation of each of them and explains their sources. Schwartz arranged the 19 values in a circular structure, portraying congruent and opposing values in four dimensions.

Qahtani’s research adapts and extends this theory to the Qatari context, revealing culturally specific values that resonate with the local population.

The study draws from three pivotal scales developed in different cultural contexts. The Asian Values Scale (Kim et al., 1999) emphasises conformity with Norms, Family Recognition, Emotional Self-Control, Collectivism, Humility and Filial Piety. The Latino Values Scale (Kim et al., 2009) focuses on Cultural Pride, Sympathy, Family and Spirituality. The American Values Scale (Yao et al., 2017) differentiates between Dignity, Face and Honour, substantiating their cultural benchmarks.

The research structure is formed by two pivotal stages. The preliminary study administered a social representation questionnaire to 130 Qatari citizens. Participants listed and prioritised seven words that they associate with values, evaluating their emotional intensity. This process identified 13 prevalent values, forming the basis for developing the scale items.

The validation study distributed a comprehensive questionnaire, incorporating the Arab Values Scale, Asian Values Scale and Latino Values Scale, to 186 Qatari residents. This phase aimed to establish correlations between the scales, enhancing the reliability and validity of the Arab Values Scale.

Validation and Reliability: A comprehensive questionnaire incorporating the newly developed Arab Values Scale, along with the Asian and Latino Values Scales, was administered to a sample of 186 residents and citizens in Qatar.

Factor analysis revealed six key value dimensions unique to the Qatari context: Ethical Principles with the Surroundings, Customs and Traditions, Socially Congruent Values, Bravery, Honesty and Religiosity.

Factor analysis revealed that the Arab Values Scale comprises six core factors with 37 items, demonstrating robust internal consistency. The factors, ranked by consistency, include Ethical Principles, Customs and Traditions, Socially Congruent Values, Bravery, Honesty and Religiosity.

Ethical Principles involve adhering to clear ethical guidelines in all circumstances. Customs and Traditions recognise the value of customs and traditions without obstructing development. Socially Congruent Values advocate intervention in wrongful situations. Bravery highlights the tendency to remain silent in the face of injustice. Honesty reflects the belief that the truth may be compromised to protect others’ feelings. Religiosity attributes failures to not fulfilling religious duties.

Significantly, correlations between the Arab Values Scale and the Asian and Latino scales were observed, particularly with customs and traditions. However, the bravery factor showed no correlation, highlighting its unique significance in Arab culture.

The research concluded a set of factors that constitute an Arab Values Scale in the Qatari environment. The Arab Values scale is distinguished by containing factors that were not included in the other scales, such as bravery and honesty, which indicates their importance as concepts connected to the Arab culture.

The researcher believes that there is need for more work to be done in order to constitute the final form of the scale, as well as apply it to other Arab societies to search for similarities or differences in the Arab values between different Arab societies.