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Qatar tribune



The General Secretariat of the Shura Council has been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 global certificate for its comprehensive quality management system. The certification, issued by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), follows a thorough and intensive assessment of the quality standards implemented in the council’s operations.

In a statement, the General Secretariat emphasised that receiving this certificate reflects its commitment to applying the highest performance standards and continuously improving administrative work methods within the Shura Council. The certification underscores the consistency and quality of the processes carried out by the General Secretariat, highlighting its dedication to fostering a culture of quality through an effective system for managing change, along with ongoing improvement and regular assessment of operational efficiency.

The General Secretariat noted that the ISO certification will play a crucial role in implementing the best administrative standards within the council. It will enhance operational efficiency and support the continuous development and improvement of performance, thereby bolstering the council’s capacity to effectively exercise its legislative and oversight functions.

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