Transport difficulties at the Olympic swimming venue in Paris have been widely criticized on the first day of competition. "The transport has not been as it should be the last few days. It’s all a bit chaotic,” German 100 metres butterfly world champion Angelina Köhler told reporters on Saturday having also had issues during training. She said some swimmers had to sit on the floor of buses. "That’s why it’s sometimes a bit difficult. But everyone has that problem. So we’ll see how things go from here,” Köhler added. According to a report in the Korea Times, swimmers from South Korea have even left the Olympic Village to stay closer to La Défense Arena because of the transport problems. German freestyle swimmer Isabel Gose believe the shuttle buses are improving. "It was a bit all over the place. It was definitely a problem - it didn’t work at all. But I think they’ll get it right,” she said. (DPA)