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Qatar tribune

IslamabadcTypeface:> Pakistani authorities were continuing their search operation on Sunday to locate two Japanese climbers who went missing on K2, the world’s second-highest peak, officials reported.

The missing climbers, renowned Japanese mountaineers Kazuya Hiraide and Kenro Nakajima, disappeared on Saturday during their attempt to summit K2 via a new route on the west face using alpine style.

The alpine style climbing method, characterized by a minimal use of fixed ropes and external support, prioritizes speed and efficiency and is known for its high level of difficulty and risk.

Army helicopter is to follow the climbers’ route up to the an altitude of 7,500 metres, while another team is conducting a ground search, Karar Haidri, spokesperson for the government-run Alpine Club, told DPA.

K2, standing at 8,611 metres above sea level, is often referred to as the “Savage Mountain” due to its challenging conditions. It is located in northern Pakistan near the border with China.

Each summer, hundreds of mountaineers, mostly from Europe, attempt to scale Pakistan’s peaks, though few attempt these climbs in winter. (DPA)

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