Tribune News Network


Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) co-organised the first Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshop on Humanitarian Service Points (HSPs).

The five-day event was attended by 20 participants from 10 National Societies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region: The Libyan Red Crescent, the Iraqi Red Crescent Society (IRCS), the Lebanese Red Cross, Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS), the Iranian Red Crescent Society, Jordan National Red Crescent Society (JNRCS), Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), Yemen Red Crescent Society, QRCS, and the Egyptian Red Crescent.

The facilitators came from IFRC – Geneva, IFRC – MENA, the Italian Red Cross, and the British Red Cross.

In general, it was a capacity-building training for the region’s National Societies in emergency support and response to population displacement caused by conflicts and disasters. HSPs are one of the top five capacity-building priorities for MENA National Societies to better respond to migration/displacement waves, identified by the regional survey conducted in March 2023.

By exchanging theoretical experience and practical scenarios, the participants were introduced to the nature, design, and operation of HSPs, capitalising on the Emergency Additional Capacity Team as a vital component of National Society response to population movements.

Many key topics were discussed, including formation of a regional group of migration coordinators/technical HSP personnel for rapid global response; better understanding of IFRC’s migrant/IDP support systems/emergency procedures; and capacity-building of focal points to provide training and strengthen National Society resources.

Subhi Fahad Al-Ejjeh, head of Relief and Disaster Management at QRCS, stressed the importance of such courses that address the humanitarian aspect of migration, especially amid the enormous complications in the region, such as natural disasters, armed conflict, and climate change impacts, resulting in large numbers of IDPs and refugees.

"QRCS closely coordinates various training activities closely with IFRC to be held in Qatar,” said Al-Ejjeh. "It is crucial to have a lot of regional resources and expertise in disaster response, which can provide solutions and support in this respect”.

Dr. Hosam Faysal, regional head of Health, Disasters, Climate, and Crises (HDCC) Unit at IFRC – MENA, stated, "This workshop represents our renewed commitment as a humanitarian network to assisting IDPs, host communities, and the National Societies actively meeting their needs. This is in conformity with our 2030 Joint Strategy in relation to ensuring that migrants enjoy safety, humane treatment, and dignity, and that no one is left behind”.