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Qatar tribune

Pakistani Biker Boys, a dynamic and passionate group of racers, have made headlines once again by dominating the Qatar Drag Racing Championship.

Established in 2013, this group has steadily risen in the racing world, and their latest victories further solidify their reputation as top-tier competitors.

Key Members Shine in Qatar

The group boasts an impressive lineup of racers, including Shahid Munir, Abdullah Malik, Usama Waheed, and Uzair Ismail. Each member brings unique skills and a relentless drive to the team, contributing to their collective success.

Shahid Munir, the group’s star, clinched the title of five times Champion, showcasing his exceptional talent and dedication. Uzair Ismail won the Bike ET championship for the 2024 season. Abdullah Malik, another standout performer, was the two times Champion -- in 2018 and 2020. Usama Waheed took the Championship in 2019-20. These consistent victories highlight the group’s prowess and commitment to excellence.

A journey of passion and dedication founded with the mission to promote racing as a sport and advocate for safe racing practices, the Pakistani Biker Boys have come a long way since their inception. Their participation in international events not only reflects their skill but also their dedication to elevating Pakistan’s image in the world of racing sports.

“We started this journey to create a platform for racers in Pakistan and to promote the sport in a positive light,” said Shahid Munir. “Winning these championships is a testament to our hard work and passion.”

Looking Ahead: Future Endeavors

The future looks bright for the Pakistani Biker Boys. They are gearing up to participate in the 2025 Nation Drag and Arabian Drag League, where they aim to continue their winning streak and inspire more racers from Pakistan.

“We are excited about the upcoming events and are committed to giving our best performance,” added Usama Waheed. “Our goal is to make Pakistan proud on international platforms and encourage safe racing practices.”

Promoting Pakistan’s Image

Their remarkable achievements in Qatar are not just personal victories but also a significant step towards promoting Pakistan’s positive image in the global sports arena. The Pakistani Biker Boys are a beacon of talent, hard work, and national pride, setting an example for aspiring racers back home.

Pakistani Biker Boys have extended their heartfelt gratitude to Qatar Racing Club (QRC) for organising these exceptional events. QRC’s commitment to providing a world-class platform for racers has been instrumental in the team’s success. Their efforts in promoting and supporting the sport of drag racing are truly commendable, and the Pakistani Biker Boys look forward to participating in future events hosted by the QRC.

As they prepare for future competitions, the Pakistani Biker Boys remain focused on their mission: to foster a love for racing and ensure it is done safely. Their story is a testament to what can be achieved with passion, dedication, and teamwork.

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