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Ten teams from different nationalities including Filipinos, Arabs, Indians, French and South Africans took part in the 1st MEZZA Team Chess Tournament organised at the MEZZA Filipino Restaurant in B-Square Mall recently.
The event was organised by the Filipino Chess Players League- Qatar (FCPL-Q) through the initiative of the group's Vice President for External Affairs Marck De Castro and was one of the community's activities during Eid al Adha.
Team Arabic Club bagged the championship title as they remained unbeaten while the Contenders Team headed by French national Michael Guidez won the first runner-up spot. Guidez's team included Filipino and Indian nationals. The all-Filipino team collectively called Barwa Team clinched the second runner-up title.
The tournament attracted chess enthusiasts from different communities who came to the event not just to enjoy the games but to feast on the authentic Filipino food served on the occasion.
FCPL-Q, a non- profit, non-stock organisation, is a registered group in Qatar recognised by the Philippine embassy since 2004. It is aimed at building camaraderie among Filipino chess lovers in Qatar.
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