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New Delhi
The government on Monday announced a policy and guidelines for remotely piloted aircraft, or drones, which will come into effect from December 1 and aim to open up an array of opportunities in the Indian civil aviation sector.
Unveiling the"Drone Regulations 1.0"here, Civil Aviation Minister Suresh Prabhu said that these would help foster technology and innovation in the development of drones which have an extensive range of applications ranging from disaster relief, aerial surveys and in agriculture to precision logistics.
"The drone market in India holds the potential of hitting over $1 trillion. We plan to develop drone manufacture not only for the domestic market but to cater to the gobal market as well,"Prabhu said, adding that India's expertise in technology is characterised by its capacity to devise low-cost solutions.
The Minister said that the global drone regulations unveiled had taken several years in the making in order to sort out various issues of safety and security.
Minister of State for Civil Aviation Jayant Sinha said that Drone Regulations 1.0 have been formulated as an"all digital process"that will become effective from December 1, when the"Digital Sky"platform will become operative to put in place a system that is totally online.
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