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QATAR General Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa) has managed to implement a model for electricity distribution substation from a ready-made concrete in a record time using the state-of-the-art modern construction technology.
This achievement comes within Kahramaa's endeavour to accelerate project completion ensuring the highest quality.
Kahramaa's Electricity Networks Affairs considered all modern techniques to reduce construction period. It has managed to build a distribution substation in 35 days using ready-made concrete, instead of 90 days taken by the traditional method. The substation was constructed by moving and installing these elements using the modern technology where many traditional construction stages were left out including brick work, carpentry and pouring concrete. Working hours at the substation reached 350 hours without lost time injury (LTI), according to a statement by Kahramaa.
Setting the substation design began in April after approving architectural and construction designs, and getting the required permissions from relevant authorities. Implementation started at the beginning of May while the construction elements (concrete bases, walls, ceilings) were prepared in a specialised factory. Construction works were completed in mid-June. The site was well equipped and observes all security and safety standards.
"This modern technology can be utilised to cope with the rapid urban development the State witnesses and to accelerate customer provision with electricity services. It comes within Kahramaa's endeavour to achieve its mission of providing high quality and sustainable electricity and water for better living in Qatar. Kahramaa seeks to maintain harmony among economic, social and environmental activities to achieve its development objectives. This project is an outstanding achievement in electricity distribution technology," Kaharamaa stated.
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