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The organising committee of the Sheikh Jassim Bin Muhammad Bin Thani Noble Quran Competition has adjusted the entire system of the contest as part of its efforts to encourage citizens and residents to engage in this activity.

Chairman of the contest organising committee Malallah Abdulrahman Al Jaber said the committee had decided to entirely separate men from women and opted for creating testing committees for females at all competition stages to be under the oversight of female testing committee that comprises an elite of expert female juries, something that encourages many women who had memorised the Holy Qu’ran to participate in the event.

Jaber revealed that the organising committee decided to allocate awards for the first five winners in the whole category of this competition, namely category of citizens, and category of general female memorisers and specific female memorisers for residents to be equivalent to the same value allocated to men, in addition to increasing rewards for male and female proficient memorisers of those who were not in fact among the five winners of the competition’s awards.

He affirmed that diverse questions to contenders have been prepared in the entire branch of the Holy Qur’an, adding that online testing will be conducted to achieve balance and equality among all male and female contenders, along with engagement of multiple nationalities in the categories of both male and female general memorizers and special memorisers among residents, thus making this branch a competitive, multinational, and multi-narrative Qura’nic school.

Jaber highlighted that registration will open in recitation category which is primarily devoted to students of public and private secondary schools for both genders in early September 2024, while testing will be conducted during October.

He underlined that the competition intends to strengthen students’ proclivities toward studying the Holy Qur’an and deepening the semantic aspect to be capable of expounding the meanings of Qur’an and promoting moral values in the community. It aims to build an erudite generation capable of advancing both the community and precepts of the solid Islamic religion.

Jaber noted that the competition undergoes a global expansion as it largely gives impetus to the success of the Holy Qur’an contests at home and abroad, in commensurate with the state efforts dedicated to globalising teachings of the Holy Qur’an and catalysing a significant number of participants to polish their memorisation skills and bolster cultural ties among various nations, thus epitomising the spirit of social responsibility and Qatar’s commitment to propagating tolerance and mercy values derived from the Noble Qur’an.

With respect to the activities abroad, Jaber outlined that the competition offered a financial support in 2024 to international contests worth QR1.6 million distributed to Russia Quran Competition, the European International Quran Memorisation and Recitation Competition held in Croatia, and the Quran Competition in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The awards allocated for winners from both genders worth QR3 million, as first five winners in the three categories receive valuable financial rewards.

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