Ashraf Siddiqui

Samarkand, Uzbakistan

The 13th Samarkand ‘Sharq Taronalari’ festival concluded recently in Samarkand with a gala award-cum-closing ceremony amid international recognition. It coincided with Uzbekistan’s 33rd independence anniversary.

Present at the closing ceremony were Minister of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ozodbek Nazarbekov and the TURKSOY Secretary-General Sultan Raev among other dignitaries and guests.

For the first time, more than 50 musicologists, folklore scholars, and cultural experts from 32 countries, as well as rectors of prestigious universities and heads of scientific and creative centres, participated in the event.

More than 100 scientific pieces by musicologists from more than 40 countries, besides 70 articles by scientists from Uzbekistan, were presented at the conference which was held on the sidelines of the festival that concluded on Friday last.

During the festival, the participants presented their performances on the main stage of Registan Square as well as during concerts organised in theatres, and culture and recreation parks in Samarkand and its districts.

Special awards were presented by the Samarkand regional and city ‘hokimiyats’, as well as other organisations.

The Grand Prix was awarded to Azerbaijan’s Simurg Mugham Ensemble. The winner was awarded a cash prize of $10,000 along with memorable gifts.

The Mongolian creative group ‘Batbayar Batnyam’, the representative of Japan Mashu Kamazaki, and the musical ensemble of Russia ‘Northern Choir’ were invited to the stage. They were awarded third-degree festival diplomas, cash prizes of $2,000, and memorable gifts.

The National Music Ensemble of Turkmenistan won first place in the festival and a $5,000 cash prize.

The second place was awarded to the musical group ‘Atameken’ from Kazakhstan and representatives of Uzbekistan – members of the Maqom Band -- Alisher Akhmedov and Fazilat Akhmedova. The winners received third-degree festival diplomas, a cash prize of $3,500, and memorable gifts.

The winners of the nominations were awarded diplomas, cash prizes of $1,000, and memorable gifts.

The 13th Samarkand Sharq Taronalari was inaugurated by Uzbakistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. In his keynote speech he highlighted the core principle of new Uzbekistan’s foreign policy – to develop peaceful, friendly, and partnership relations with different countries.