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Qatar tribune



Minister of Education and Higher Education HE Buthaina bint Ali Al Jabr Al Nuaimi has affirmed that ministry’s new 2024-2030 strategy titled “Igniting the Spark of Learning” aligns seamlessly with the objectives of Qatar’s Third National Development Strategy (NDS) and the Qatar National Vision (QNV) 2030.

Speaking at the launch ceremony, Al Nuaimi emphasized that the strategy aims to identify opportunities and overcome challenges in the coming years by fostering innovation and excellence in education.

It focuses on enhancing and professionally developing teachers’ skills while preparing a resilient generation capable of confronting future challenges.

She highlighted the comprehensive nature of the new strategy, which encompasses all stages of learning from early childhood to post-secondary and vocational education. To elucidate its scope, she presented a detailed overview outlining the strategy’s phases, core pillars, and the goals intended to be achieved through various associated programs and projects.

She underscored that investing in human education has always been a paramount priority for Qatar’s wise leadership, which has consistently dedicated substantial human and material resources to this sector.

She noted that the launch of the Third National Development Strategy earlier this year reaffirms education’s role not only as a fundamental pillar of human development but also as a crucial driver for achieving comprehensive and sustainable progress across diverse fields. page2

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