Tel AVIV: A court in Israel ordered an end to strikes across a range of sectors on Monday that was called to protest the government’s failure to agree to a deal to return hostages after the discovery of the bodies of six hostages in the Gaza Strip.

The major strike led by Israel’s trade union umbrella organization Histadrut began in protest against the government’s failure to end the conflict. In many cities, kindergartens, banks and government offices remained closed. Public transport was also affected, and there were disruptions and delays to air traffic at Ben Gurion International Airport near Tel Aviv.

Many cities and communities joined the protest, while others refused to do so, being more closely aligned with Netanyahu’s right-wing religious government. Government supporters slammed the protest movement, saying it plays into the hands of Hamas and encourages it to maintain a tough negotiating position. Later, a labour court ordered an early end to the strike, on the grounds that it was politically motivated. (dpa)