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Qatar tribune

The referees’ evaluators’ seminar for member associations of Arab Gulf Cup Football Federation (AGCFF), which lasted for three days, concluded in Doha on Monday. The symposium saw a number of representatives participating with the aim of exchanging knowledge and experience. The seminar included a review of the new system for evaluating referees, and included theoretical and analytical lectures and video tests. The seminar is a dedicated platform to support arbitration to ensure highest standards in the field and it reflects the commitment of AGCFF to maintain its position as a leading and distinguished federation. Hani Taleb Ballan, Chairman of the Referees Committee of AGCFF, in a statement to Qatar News Agency affirmed the federation’s support for efforts of all referees in the upcoming events, most notably the 26th edition of the Arabian Gulf Cup to be held in Kuwait from December 21, 2024, to January 3, 2025, as well as the Gulf Club Champions League - to held from October 23, 2024 to April 15, 2025. (QNA)

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