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Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden HE Tobias Billstrom has stressed that the visit of His Highness the Amir of the State of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani to Stockholm presents an opportunity to deepen and strengthen bilateral ties with Qatar, especially as it coincides with the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

In an interview with Qatar News Agency (QNA), Billstrom said that the visit of HH the Amir is the first by a Head of State from the Gulf region to Sweden and will make a strong, dynamic and important relation even stronger and open new horizons for enhancing cooperation in various fields. He also praised the current level of relations between the two countries.

He explained, “We highly value our bilateral relations with Qatar and see great potential in deepening our collaboration on multiple fronts. One key area is issues of security where Qatar and Sweden have both much knowledge and many experiences to exchange. Qatar is a valued partner not only to Sweden but to NATO, which Sweden recently became a member of. This creates an even wider platform for collaboration.” HH the Amir’s visit will also witness the signing of several MOU between the two countries, His Excellency added.

He said that both Sweden and Qatar strive for and contribute to a more secure and peaceful world and seek ways to achieve greener and more sustainable countries, noting that Qatar is also a valued partner of the EU, and the EU-Gulf partnership is another excellent avenue for expanding our cooperation on issues including trade, sustainability, and climate change.

Billstrom noted that an important mechanism for enhancing the bilateral relations is the frequent visits and contacts between the two countries, expressing hope for an increase in the number of official visits exchanged.

In this context, the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs commended Qatar’s efforts to decrease regional tensions and mediate to end the war in Gaza, affirming that Sweden fully stands behind efforts to reach a ceasefire and a process that leads to a two-state solution.

“Qatar and Sweden share a strong commitment to upholding international peace, law, and security. We are also two countries that are greatly affected by regional and international developments, not least in our immediate neighborhoods. As such, we are very appreciative of Qatar’s role....in peace and mediation efforts-not only in relation to the war in Gaza, but around the world,” he said.

He added that the world faces interconnected challenges that can only be addressed through unity and cooperation, including climate change and increased environmental pollution.

“We have a common responsibility to maintain peace and stability, and a safe, prosperous and sustainable world. The UN Charter must be respected. International law, sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and human rights are principles and fundamentals which we all depend on,” he said.

Billstrom concluded by reaffirming that the UN is and should be central to how we address our shared problems and solve conflicts.

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