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Director of the Information Systems Department at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) Dr Mona Salem Al Fadhli has said that of the 38 projects of the ministry’s digital transformation programme, 15 have been completed.

On the sidelines of the second and final day of the ‘Strategic Programmes Exhibition’ accompanying the launch of MoEHE’s new strategy, Dr Fadhli stated that the completed projects include the Educational Facilities Licences platform, the smart assistant ‘Talib’ service, and the educational vouchers service for students with disabilities.

Twenty-three projects remain under development until 2030, including the ‘My school my community’ platform, the higher education data platform, the digital education infrastructure platform and the data observatory, she said.

Dr Fadhli explained that the digital transformation programme serves all areas of MoEHE’s strategy; pre-primary education, education for grades 1 to 12, post-secondary education, and continuing education, in addition to educational system enablers such as training, quality and data observatory.

The programme is one of MoEHE’s strategic programmes within the areas of system enablers. It aims to provide integrated and secure digital services, enhance user experience, and increase productivity by improving the infrastructure of the ministry as well as schools, in addition to automating procedures and operations and enhancing cybersecurity using modern technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and data analysis tools to increase innovation and keep pace with technological development.

Fadhli also highlighted that the programme focuses on three aspects: building and developing digital platforms, protecting and securing data, and technological infrastructure.

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