Dr Abdulnassir Al Tamimi


As the new academic year begins, Qatar Foundation (QF) is excited to welcome new students to Education City with a fresh vision for the future. This year’s annual Marhaba event, themed "Education 2.0: Pioneering the Future Together,” encapsulates our commitment to transforming our students’ educational experience and fostering innovation.

The purpose of focusing on "Education 2.0” in our new student orientation this year was to highlight how innovative educational practices, methods, and technologies are evolving in today’s fast-paced digital world.

Education 2.0 involves integrating emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) to enhance teaching and learning. Our goal was to convey to our students that learning is not only about acquiring knowledge but also about embracing emerging technologies like AI to thrive in a rapidly changing world, while also applying ethical practices in their use.

Education 2.0 also emphasizes the importance of fostering interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary collaborations to address complex global challenges. At Qatar Foundation, we offer a unique and dynamic educational and research environment that encourages our students to explore and innovate in ways that might not be possible at other universities. This includes access to all our partner universities within Education City where students can cross-register for classes, enroll in joint minor programs, or participate in joint research and academic projects.

Additionally, there are several world-class research facilities in Education City, such as the Qatar Biomedical Research Institute (QBRI), the Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI), and the Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI), which are accessible to all students. Both undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to engage in research projects, often leading to groundbreaking innovations and startups.

Our global partnerships with prestigious international universities also provide many academic and research opportunities. Students are encouraged to take part in international projects, participate in international exchange programs, or attend global conferences, helping them learn about the latest trends and broaden their academic and professional horizons.

Looking back, the cross-registration model between our partner universities began with the establishment of Education City and collaboration with prestigious international universities, which introduced sought-after academic programs and unique courses accessible to all students within Education City. As Qatar Foundation expanded, this model evolved to emphasize research, innovation, and entrepreneurship, with opportunities for students to gain practical experience through internships and employment at the Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP).

With the introduction of joint minor programs, students now have the option to choose from a wide array of programs across different institutions, allowing them to explore various fields of study and find their true academic and career interests.

At the same time, we are committed to leveraging emerging technologies to enhance our students’ educational experience. Initiatives include launching new programs in AI or incorporating augmented reality (AR) and VR into our programs and courses. These advancements will not only enrich teaching and learning but also ensure that our educational practices remain aligned with global trends. By embracing these changes, we are preparing our students to lead in a dynamic world, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and global perspectives necessary for success.

Looking ahead, Qatar Foundation’s unique and innovative educational model will continue to evolve and help tackle local and global challenges like climate change, global health, education and social justice, positioning our students and the State of Qatar at the forefront of innovation and leadership.

As we embark on this new academic year, we look forward to embracing Education 2.0 and pioneering the future of education together.

(Dr Abdulnassir Al Tamimi is the Executive Director of Student Services at Qatar Foundation Higher Education.”)