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Qatar tribune

Tribune News Network


Qatar Chamber has signed an agreement with Al Ikhtyaar Advertising Company to prepare, print and publish its commercial and industrial directory 2025.

The updated directory will feature comprehensive lists of commercial and industrial companies registered with the Qatar Chamber, including their contact information.

The agreement was signed by Qatar Chamber’s Acting General Manager, Ali Bu Sherbak Al Mansouri, and the Chairman of Al Ikhtyaar Investment Group, Saad Abdulla Al Tawah Al Hajri.

On this occasion, Ali Al Mansouri underscored the Chamber’s keenness to publish an updated directory featuring details and information about commercial and industrial companies in the state.

He noted that the directory aims to facilitate business environment and serve as an inclusive resource for merchants and investors.

Al Mansouri thanked Al Ikhtyaar Advertising for partnering with the Chamber on this project, noting that the directory provides easy communication with private sector companies.

For his part, Saad Al Hajri expressed his company’s honour to cooperate with the Chamber on the updated directory, which offers comprehensive and up-to-date information about the private sector.

He affirmed that the company would leverage its potential and expertise in preparing and printing the directory in accordance with the highest technical standards.

Al Hajri noted that the directory would be widely available to the Qatari business community, distributed to Chamber members and relevant bodies in the state.

He added that Al Ikhtyaar Advertising would handle the preparing, printing, and marketing of the edition.

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