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Qatar tribune

The European Union foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell has said that a new front was being opened with a clear objective of turning the West Bank into a new Gaza.

Addressing the Arab League in Cairo, Borrell argued “without action of the international community, the West Bank will become a new Gaza.”

He added that Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is working to make it impossible to create a future Palestinian state and that a ceasefire agreement initiated by US President Joe Biden is unlikely to be signed because “those waging the war have no interest in putting an end to it.”

UN Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator to Gaza Sigrid Kaag also addressed the Arab body asserting that an immediate ceasefire must take place for the necessary humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Health has said that two Palestinians – a man and a woman – were killed in the northern occupied West Bank city of Tulkarem.

The ministry said the man was brought to Tulkarem Governmental Hospital and the woman to al-Isra Hospital, both located in the city. The ministry added that eight others were wounded.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society has said two of its personnel were arrested by Israeli forces inside its emergency centre in the northern occupied West Bank city of Tulkarem.

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