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DOHA: The National Cybersecurity Agency (NCSA) announced that Qatar has achieved a major accomplishment in the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) 2024, as it was classified as a "model" country at the international level in the field of cybersecurity.

According to the index issued on Friday by the International Telecommunication Union of the United Nations, Qatar was classified in this classification due to its excellence in the various pillars that represent cybersecurity obligations at the state level, namely, legal, technical, regulatory, capacity development, and cooperation.

Qatar obtained full scores in the five pillars, reflecting its strong commitment to enhancing cybersecurity at the local and international levels and its leading role in developing effective cybersecurity strategies.

These results confirm the importance of the continuous efforts made by Qatar to provide a safe digital environment and enhance international cooperation in confronting increasing cyber threats.

The Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI 2024) assesses national efforts through a new analysis that will contribute to a greater focus on each country's progress in terms of cybersecurity commitments and the resulting impacts.

The report places 46 countries in Tier 1, the highest of five levels, and is designated for "model" countries that demonstrate a strong commitment to all five pillars of cybersecurity.

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