DOHA: Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa), in cooperation with the Gulf Organization for Research and Development (GORD), organised a workshop entitled 'Energy Auditing for Specialized Practitioners'.

The two-day workshop aimed to raise awareness of modern energy auditing techniques and provide the knowledge and tools needed to assess electricity and water consumption in buildings to contribute to a more sustainable future.

The workshop included a practical application of energy and water auditing in one of the buildings through a specialized team of experts, targeting a number of engineers from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries working in the field of electricity and water efficiency, as the workshop is one of the activities of the Electricity and Water Rationalization and Subscriber Services Committee within the efforts of Qatar in the group.

The workshop topics included the impact of energy efficiency on the environment and the economy, and providing participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to apply the latest methods and technologies in the field of energy. The most important topics included an introduction to energy basics and an introduction to energy auditing in buildings, in addition to preparation for pre-energy auditing, on-site measurements, and data analysis. The focus was also on building materials, insulation, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting systems, other equipment, building controls, and the energy audit report.

As part of the Corporation’s commitment to promoting education and professional development in the field of energy efficiency and the objectives of the National Program for Conservation and Energy Efficiency "Tarsheed”, a field visit was arranged to the Energy Efficiency Laboratory of GORD, where the laboratory provided the participants with the opportunity to view the latest technologies used in improving energy efficiency.

The specialized experts reviewed the practical experiments and research conducted in the laboratory, which provided an interactive educational experience for the participants and enhanced their practical understanding of how to improve energy efficiency in buildings.

This workshop is also part of Kahramaa’s contribution to raising awareness of the importance of energy efficiency, building professional capacities, stimulating creative ideas, and exchanging experiences on the latest methods in applying the use of modern technologies. Kahramaa’s important role is to highlight the awareness aspect to ensure the achievement of the desired goals.

It is worth noting that Kahramaa continuously contributes to organising awareness workshops and field visits with the participation of specialized teams of experts, aiming to review the latest technologies, skills and knowledge to apply the latest methods and techniques in the field of energy consumption and exchange experiences and creative ideas.

These workshops come as an affirmation of the importance of enhancing environmental sustainability practices in order to achieve Qatar National Vision 2030.

Kahramaa has the exclusive franchise as the sole owner and operator of the electricity and water transmission and distribution network system in Qatar.