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The Ministry of Social Development and Family (MSDF), in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), organised a training workshop titled ‘Food Safety’ at Social Development Centre at the Pearl. The aim was to train local owners of productive projects and provide them with essential knowledge about the general health conditions required in primary food facilities.

A number of food project owners, particularly those specialising in cooking, participated in the workshop. They learned modern and scientific methods for preserving and storing food, along with the proper techniques to extend food shelf life without risking spoilage. The workshop also covered the correct procedures for transporting, displaying, and selling ready-made foods.

Director of the Family Empowerment Department at MSDF, Fatima Al Nuaimi, emphasised the department’s commitment to supporting development projects aimed at economically empowering individuals and families. She highlighted the department’s ongoing coordination with relevant authorities, as well as efforts to guide and encourage the private sector and civil society organisations to establish or finance development projects. Al Nuaimi also noted the department’s focus on developing and implementing strategies to support national productive projects, providing training, support services, and opportunities to market products through participation in various exhibitions.

Health Inspection Supervisor at the Food Safety Department of the MoPH, Haifa Abdullah, stated that the awareness workshop emphasised the critical importance of food safety for those involved in food production. The workshop focused on methods to prevent foodborne diseases and covered the fundamentals of food safety in line with both national and international standards. These efforts aim to ensure the highest possible level of food safety for consumers.

The food safety workshop is one of a series of awareness lectures organised by MSDF in cooperation with MoPH throughout the year, which is in line with its vision towards directing the efforts of institutions concerned with women and the family economically for self-reliance and developing the implementation of projects to support and develop productive families through training and provision of assistance services, in addition to providing areas for marketing their products.

The MSDF is making significant efforts to support productive families, in line with Qatar National Vision 2030. Through a variety of programmes and initiatives, the ministry aims to enhance innovation and increase production efficiency, contributing to sustainable development.

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