GENEVA: Qatar affirmed its unwavering support for the Palestinian people, calling on the international community to take immediate action to stop the ongoing Israeli aggression and address the worsening humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian territories.

This came in Qatar's statement delivered by Permanent Representativeof Qatar to the United Nations Office in Geneva HE Dr Hind Abdulrahman Al Muftah, as part of the Permanent Delegation's participation in the 71st Trade and Development Board of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

She praised the vital role played by UNCTAD in mitigating the impact of the Israeli occupation on the Palestinian economy, commending its initiatives that focus on trade and economic development, and its great efforts in supporting the Palestinians amid the difficult circumstances.

She expressed her gratitude for UNCTAD's detailed report on the dire consequences of the policies of the Israeli occupation, which highlighted the ongoing military aggression in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and the devastating economic and humanitarian impact of these policies on the Palestinian people.

She stressed that humanitarian aid alone cannot address the depth of the crisis, calling for comprehensive and long-term solutions that focus on restoring dignity, economic stability and sustainable development in Palestine. She also urged the international community to prioritize infrastructure development alongside emergency aid.

She called on the international community to take immediate and concrete measures to fulfill its humanitarian and legal obligations, stressing the need to stop the Israeli aggression, support economic recovery and facilitate the achievement of lasting peace in the region, as crucial steps towards stability and development in the Palestinian territories.

Referring to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice issued in July 2024, Dr Al Muftah stressed the Courts call to end illegal Israeli policies and practices in the Palestinian territories, specifically with regard to the expansion of illegal settlements and the exploitation of Palestinian natural resources, calling for urgent international intervention.

She renewed Qatar's pledge to continue its humanitarian and development support for the Palestinian people, noting several Qatari initiatives aimed at meeting urgent needs such as energy shortages and creating job opportunities in Gaza, in addition to Qatars commitment to working on long-term development, including improving infrastructure and public services.

She pointed out that Qatar Charity signed a $3 million agreement in August with the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to provide basic assistance such as food and emergency shelter to the most vulnerable population in Gaza, and provided 6,500 food parcels to needy families. The Qatar Fund for Development provided $4.5 million to support more than 4,400 beneficiaries in Gaza, Her Excellency added.

Dr Al Muftah renewed Qatar's commitment to supporting the Palestinian people in achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, calling for allocating more resources to UNCTAD so that it can continue its vital work in helping the Palestinians achieve economic self-sufficiency and development.

She also renewed Qatar's firm position in support of the Palestinian cause through a just and comprehensive peace process, and its support for the Arab Peace Initiative and the two-state solution that aims to establish an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.