DOHA: Director of International Organizations Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sheikha Hanouf bint Abdulrahman Al Thani underlined that Qatar seeks to achieve a set of goals during its participation in the meetings of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

In a statement to Qatar News Agency (QNA), she said the objectives of Qatar’s participation in the upcoming meetings revolve around several matters, including effective contribution to international efforts to develop basic mechanisms and systems to address global challenges, highlighting Qatar’s active role within the framework of international solidarity to find innovative and promising solutions to international challenges, effective contribution to the efforts to reform the United Nations, including revitalizing the General Assembly and reforming the Security Council, and highlighting the inability of the international community to align around global values and the need to eliminate double standards.

The Director of International Organizations Department noted that Qatar pays great attention to supporting brotherly peoples during its participation in the General Assembly meetings. One of the most prominent goals of its participation this year is to contribute to international efforts to put an end to the crimes of genocide in the Middle East and to demand the activation of the rules of international responsibility in the face of governments that commit international crimes, as is painfully clear in the case of the Israeli attack on the brotherly Palestinian people.

Noting the State's efforts in the field of combating terrorism and violent extremism in all its forms, she said that one of the most important aspects adopted by Qatar to contribute to international efforts in this regard is to promote the concept of using sports and its values as a tool to prevent violent extremism, provide a framework for cooperation, and enhance the role of education in confronting terrorism and the conditions leading to it. She indicated that Qatar supports international efforts towards mediation and preventive diplomacy, and works to consolidate these principles to enhance international efforts in making international peace, through dialogue and settling disputes by peaceful means.

Qatar has a leading role in mediation to resolve international disputes by applying these principles, and stresses the need to work to address the root causes of threats to international peace and security, in order to promote peace, protect human rights in their comprehensive concept and respect the principles of international law, she added.

Based on its principles of providing assistance and leaving no one behind, Qatar has worked to strengthen its strategic partnership with the United Nations with the aim of responding to humanitarian priorities and needs, facilitating safe access to humanitarian and relief aid to conflict areas, and alleviating human suffering resulting from wars and conflicts, by coordinating efforts between the United Nations, its specialized agencies, and various national entities, Sheikha Hanouf said.

She considered Qatar’s participation in the General Assembly meetings an important occasion to highlight its efforts at the regional and international levels, pointing to Qatar's announcement in 2018 on its $500 million support for the basic resources of the United Nations bodies and institutions, distributed over ten years at a rate of $50 million annually.

She emphasized that Qatar's participation in the meetings of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly confirms its commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. These efforts are consistent with the four pillars of Qatar National Vision 2030, and in harmony with the theme of the current General Assembly session "Leaving no one behind: Acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations."

Qatar's participation is an indication of its continued efforts to promote pluralism in international work, and reflects the keenness of the government of the State of Qatar to be an active actor in the regional and international arenas by contributing to providing innovative solutions, advancing science and technology, and supporting development and humanitarian efforts to benefit peoples of the world, she added.

The Director of International Organizations Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sheikha Hanouf indicated that Qatar's participation in the UN General Assembly meetings represents an opportunity to highlight the country's efforts in supporting the education sector, especially in emergency situations, empowering youth and families, supporting small island developing states and least developed countries, providing development and relief assistance in various parts of the world, creating job opportunities for youth, providing a good investment climate, and addressing the causes of violence against women and girls.