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DOHA: The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) honoured on Thursday the second cohort of graduates from the 'Successful Start' programme, which includes 115 teachers and 35 counsellors. The programme aims to provide professional and personal support, guidance, and mentorship to help educators embark on a successful teaching career.

Undersecretary of the MoEHE HE Dr Ibrahim bin Saleh Al Nuaimi and Assistant Undersecretary for Educational Affairs, Maha Zaid Al Qa'qaa Al Ruwaili, distributed certificates to the graduates.

During the ceremony, Director of the Training and Development Center at the MoEHE Iman Salman Al Mohannadi highlighted the programme'sgoal of supporting teachers in their first year by offering professional and personal guidance. She emphasized the Ministry's commitment to providing high-quality training opportunities for the education sector, particularly for teachers, to ensure their longevity in the profession and enhance their skills. Al Mohannadi also noted the increasing interest in the program, with 186 participants enrolled in the third cohort.

Director of the 'Successful Start' programme, Raeda Al Haddad, praised the initiative's role in preparing and training new teachers over a full year, offering psychological, academic, and strategic support necessary for their early career.

The ceremony also featured an exhibition showcasing various scientific, educational, and technological projects from the graduates.

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