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Qatar tribune

Assistant Undersecretary for Public Services Affairs Eng. Abdullah Ahmed Al Karani has stressed that Qatar is a role model at the international and regional levels in adopting policies and strategies aimed at maintaining public cleanliness. In a speech on the occasion of World Cleanup Day, which is marked on the third Saturday of September every year, Al Karani pointed out that the Public Services Affairs Sector is keen to provide the finest public cleanliness services throughout the country, in accordance with the highest international standards and requirements.

In the framework of the ministry’s interest in public cleanliness and waste recycling, Eng. Abdullah Ahmed Al Karani said the state’s keenness to issue, activate and implement a number of legislations, strategic projects and digital transformation projects, as well as national initiatives that contribute to achieving the Ministry’s goals in this field, especially with regard to waste collection and proper and safe disposal of waste in accordance with the highest international standards. (QNA) page 2

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