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Qatar tribune

Tribune News Network


UCC Holding, Qatar’s leading construction and infrastructure company, has signed a groundbreaking agreement with Denmark’s COBOD, the world’s leading manufacturer of concrete 3D printers, to supply the third-generation of the world’s largest 3D printers. These printers will be used to construct sustainable schools in Qatar, marking a pioneering leap for both the construction sector and eco-friendly infrastructure development.

The signing ceremony took place on Thursday in Doha between UCC Holding President Ramez Al Khayyat and COBOD CEO and Founder Henrik Lund-Nielsen. Dignitaries, key stakeholders, and industry experts were present to witness this landmark moment in the construction and technology sectors.

UCC Holding and COBOD aim to set a Guinness World Record for the largest structures built using 3D printing technology. The planned schools will cover a total area of 40,000 square meters, making it a globally significant project. This partnership represents the largest application of 3D printing technology in construction to date, propelling Qatar to the forefront of innovative and sustainable building techniques.

A central feature of this project is its focus on sustainability. The use of COBOD’s advanced 3D printing technology significantly reduces material waste and enhances construction efficiency, which is crucial in minimising the carbon footprint. By optimising the use of concrete, the printers will reduce raw material consumption while maintaining the structural integrity of the buildings. This aligns with the broader goals of Qatar National Vision 2030, which emphasises sustainable development across all sectors.

Speaking about the initiative, UCC Holding Chairman Moutaz Al Khayyat said, “We are proud of our partnership with COBOD. It represents a major advancement not just for Qatar but globally in the construction industry. This project demonstrates our commitment to integrating advanced technology into our operations to achieve sustainability and efficiency while contributing to the national goals of Qatar National Vision 2030.”

The use of 3D printing technology marks a transformative shift for Qatar’s construction sector. Highlighting the far-reaching implications of the agreement Ramez Al Khayyat said, “This partnership with COBOD is a significant step for the construction industry, both in Qatar and worldwide. By adopting advanced construction methods, we reduce the need for labor, enhance work quality, minimise waste, shorten project timelines, and lower material use, all while cutting down on carbon emissions and preserving the environment.”

In addition to reducing environmental impact, this method also makes construction faster and more cost-efficient. By automating the building process, UCC Holding can streamline construction while maintaining high safety and quality standards. The schools will be eco-friendly, energy-efficient, and designed to provide a comfortable learning environment for students.

Expressing his excitement about the collaboration, Lund-Nielsen said, “Our partnership with UCC Holding is a breakthrough in the construction industry, pushing technological boundaries and setting a new precedent for large-scale, sustainable construction. Through 3D printing, we are drastically reducing waste, cutting CO2 emissions, and building in a way that respects the environment. This project reflects our shared commitment to shaping a more sustainable future.”

As part of the agreement, COBOD will offer consulting services on the design, manufacturing, and installation of the 3D printers. COBOD will also provide on-site training and technical support to ensure UCC Holding’s team is well-equipped to operate the technology efficiently.

The construction of two schools, scheduled to begin in 2025, will feature two-story structures with a footprint of 100 x 100 meters each. COBOD’s BOD XL printers, which will be deployed for the project, are among the largest in the world, measuring 50 meters in length, 30 meters in width, and 15 meters in height. These printers boast the fastest printing speeds available, ensuring rapid completion while adhering to stringent safety and sustainability standards.

Each school will feature innovative designs that take full advantage of the precision offered by 3D printing. The technology will allow for more efficient use of concrete and reinforcement, leading to cost savings and reduced environmental impact.

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