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DOHA: Qatar has condemned, in the strongest terms, theIsraeli aggression on Lebanon that left hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries, warning at the same time against expanding the circle of violence in the region and sliding into a comprehensive regional war, amid the ongoing war on the Gaza Strip.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicated that the continued escalation is primarily due to the absence of any deterrent to Israel's actions, its continued repeated violations of international law, and its continued impunity.

It also warned that this reality exacerbates crises, puts the region on the brink of the abyss, and exposes it to more tensions that will have a profound impact regionally and internationally.

The ministry urged the international community to assume its responsibilities by taking urgent action to compel the Israeli occupation authorities to stop their brutal aggression against Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. It also reiterated Qatar's commitment to supporting all regional and international efforts aimed at achieving security and stability in the region.

The ministry stressed Qatar's firm stance towards the Republic of Lebanon and its unity and territorial integrity, emphasising Qatar's full support for all efforts that enhance Lebanon's stability and prosperity.

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