Khalid Tawalbeh


Official Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr Majed bin Mohammed Al Ansari has expressed deep concern over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, accusing Israel of engaging in a "starvation war” against the Palestinian population.

During the weekly press briefing at Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday, Dr Al Ansari stressed that Israel’s blockade has severely restricted food and essential supplies, causing immense suffering, particularly among children and civilians.

Responding to a question by Qatar Tribune, Al Ansari emphasized the failure of the international community to intervene effectively and ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza, who are enduring immense hardships.

On the conflict in Lebanon, Dr Al Ansari clarified that, as of now, there is no official mediation process in place to negotiate a ceasefire.

He added that Qatar is involved in broader discussions related to the situation, but there is no direct link between the 21-day ceasefire proposal for Lebanon and the ceasefire efforts in Gaza, which Qatar has been working on alongside Egypt and the United States.

He stressed that the violence in Lebanon has escalated into a full-scale war, not just a mere escalation, and called for an immediate cessation of hostilities.

Regarding the international call for a temporary ceasefire in Lebanon, Dr Al Ansari explained that while Qatar supports the diplomatic push, there is a need for more concerted pressure to bring an end to the violence.

He underscored that the international community bears responsibility for facilitating peace and urged global powers to take more serious actions to halt the aggression.

In addition to the regional conflicts, Dr Al Ansari announced that the State of Qatar successfully reunited 10 Ukrainian and 4 Russian children with their families on Thursday as part of its mediation efforts to bring together children affected by the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Dr Al Ansari stated that this mediation has been ongoing for months and has resulted in the reunification of 48 children with their families – five from Russia and 43 from Ukraine.

He praised the cooperation between both the parties in ensuring the safe return of the children to their families and shielding them from the consequences of the war.

He highlighted that the agreement was the result of Qatar’s substantial efforts to achieve peace in general and its specific attention to this issue since the start of the war.

He noted the positive role Qatar can play in promoting and establishing peace. As always, children are first received at the Qatari Embassy in Moscow before they are transferred to their final destinations and reunited with their families under Qatari supervision.

He commended the efforts of Minister of State for International Cooperation HE Lolwah bint Rashid Al Khater for leading the negotiations and mediation processes, as well as the efforts of the relevant authorities from both the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

He affirmed that these efforts are ongoing, with further positive steps to be announced in the coming periods.

He pointed out that a health and social care programme is currently being conducted for these children in Doha, with the presence of both Russian and Ukrainian representatives.

He emphasized that, in any conflict or war, it is crucial to protect children from the impacts of these disputes, something that is gravely lacking in Gaza and now in Lebanon, where children have become targets amid the ongoing massacres and violence.

Dr Al Ansari also confirmed that Qatari citizens will soon be able to travel to the United States without a visa, following Qatar’s inclusion in the US Visa Waiver Programme on September 20.

He explained that the inclusion of the State of Qatar in the US Visa Waiver Programme reflects the strategic relationship between the two countries and crowns the bilateral ties across various fields.

Qatar is also recognised as a leading country in the Middle East and North Africa in terms of security and safety, according to international indicators, and it adheres to global standards in security matters.

He emphasized that this US visa exemption for Qatari citizens demonstrates the significant level of confidence in Qatar’s safety, both locally and in its international relations. He mentioned that a few months ago, Japan announced a visa exemption for Qatari citizens, following a similar announcement from the United Kingdom, where Qataris were the first to benefit from the new Electronic Travel Authorization program, which eases travel procedures. Additionally, Uzbekistan announced in August 2023 that it would waive visa requirements for Qatari citizens.

Dr Al Ansari stated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues to facilitate travel for Qatari citizens and reinforce the strength of the Qatari passport, which is among the world’s strongest in terms of visa-free access and ease of travel.