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Qatar tribune

Tribune News Network


Under the slogan (Sports Inspires Education), the QatarCollegiate Sports Federation (QCSF) on Thursday held its annual forum at the Qatar Olympic Committee building during which a series of organizational, administrative and technical issues were discussed, as well as the results of the past season and the agenda for the new sports season 2024-2025.

The forum session was chaired by Rashid Saeed Odaiba – Secretary-General of QCSF, accompanied by Rashid Ali Al Tamimi, Technical Director, QCSF, in the presence of representatives of universities and higher education institutions and members of the Board of Directors of the QatarCollegiate Sports Federation.

At the beginning, Saeed Odaiba extended the thanks and greetings of His Excellency Dr. Ibrahim bin Saleh Al Nuaimi - President of the QatarCollegiate Sports Federation – and to the members of the working team of the QCSF for their efforts that resulted in distinguished results in the outcome of the last season 2023-2024 at the organizational and administrative levels.

Odaiba stressed that the Qatari university sports system is moving forward on the right track and continues to reap the fruits of its efforts and develop from one season to another and attract more university educational institutions, whether governmental or private, until their number reached 19 participating university educational institutions.

Odaiba praised the positive participation of universities and higher education institutions on the World University Sports Day (September 20th), which is one of the official events approved in the agenda of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International University Sports Federation (FISU).

The Secretary-General highlighted the positives and negatives of the sports tournaments and activities by reviewing the results of the 2023-2024 season, stressing the importance of holding tournaments in line with the exams and vacations of universities and higher education institutions, and called for taking into account identifying the most popular individual and group sports among male and female students.

He indicated that the agenda of the new sports season will witness the addition of new sport disciplines for the first time: chess, electronic games, cross-country and swimming.

For his part, Rashid Ali Al Tamimi spoke about the mechanism for adding any event to the calendar, by submitting proposals to the Board of Directors, which chooses the activities that suit the desires of male and female students.

Al Tamimi stressed that the Board of Directors always seeks to attract the largest number of male and female students to participate in the tournaments held under the umbrella of the QatarCollegiate Sports Federation.

The forum witnessed fruitful opinions on many technical, administrative and organizational issues that aim to provide elements of success for the tournaments and activities that will be held during the new sports season 2024-2025.

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