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Qatar tribune



Germany France, and the Netherlands, have warned the European Commission that a new border check system called the Entry Exit System (EES) is not ready for a November 10 start date.

The European Union’s three largest countries are in talks with the EU executive arm to decide on a new timetable to launch the new system, an EU diplomat told dpa on Sunday. The British Newspaper the Financial Times first reported on the warnings around the EES along with concerns from the travel industry for major disruption.

The three EU countries have warned the commission that the new system is not stable enough and that the national tests required to introduce the EES have not been carried out yet.

It is expected that 40% of the traffic affected by the new EES will travel through these three countries, an EU diplomat said.

The automated system requires travellers arriving to the bloc from a non-EU country to register their personal information like facial images and fingerprints at airports. The aim is to improve data on border crossings, record entry refusals and digitize the process of stamping passports to make it simpler to identify travellers who have overstayed their visas.

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