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The Ministry of Labour’s statistical bulletin for the second quarter of 2024 showed that the Labour Licensing Department received approximately 99,458 applications, including 15,969 for new recruitment, 66,898 for general work permits (personal number extension), and 2,804 applications for special work permits (family sponsorship / GCC nationals / investors / beneficiaries of property ownership, etc).

The total number of requests for profession modification reached 13,787.

Regarding labour complaints, the statistical bulletin showed that the Labour Dispute Department received 6,849 complaints, of which 2,228 were settled. The Labour Dispute Department also received 345 public reports, all of which were resolved.

According to the statistical bulletin for the second quarter regarding the Labour Dispute Settlement Committees, the number of cases referred to the committees during the second quarter of the current year reached approximately 1,831, with a total of 1,229 decisions issued by the committees.

Regarding employment contracts, the statistical bulletin showedthat the Labour Relations Department processed around 220,877 applications for contract authentication, with 21,078 requests submitted for labour secondment. The statistical bulletin showed that the Ministry carried out approximately 705 inspection tours of recruitment offices during the second quarter. Page 2

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